Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Site Background
Department records show a subsurface/surface fire was reported by facility owner Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc. along the quarry walls in the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill North Quarry area on Sept. 25, 1992. Another possible subsurface fire was reported along the same quarry wall, adjacent to Taussig Road, on Oct. 31, 1994. On March 29, 1995, Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc. reported to the department that the initial fire had been extinguished and additional data indicated a second fire in this area had not occurred, as previous reports had suggested.

- Initial report of subsurface/surface fire, Dec. 30, 1992
- Initial report of possible subsurface fire, Oct. 31, 1994, and follow-up letter Mar. 29, 1995
- Proposal prepared by SCS Engineers for Mitigation of Landfill Fire, rev. Jan. 10, 1994
- Inspection and monitoring reports
- Other related and supporting documents
- Photos
On Dec. 23, 2010, Bridgeton/Republic reported the landfill was experiencing elevated temperatures on some gas extraction wells. The facility began testing landfill gas from the gas extraction system and found elevated hydrogen and carbon monoxide and reduced methane concentrations, which is indicative of a subsurface smoldering event. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Solid Waste Management Program (SWMP) has been meeting with Bridgeton/Republic staff and facility consultants to gather and analyze data and information concerning the elevated temperatures at the landfill.
Note: Subsurface smoldering event or fire -- These reactions occur more slowly without a visible flame or quantities of smoke and may be deep within the landfill. Normally, an actual flame will not be observed. The only time this type of event or fire results in a visible flame or smoke is when the subsurface event or fire is excavated and exposed to the atmosphere.
SWMP tasked the facility owner with researching, designing and implementing actions to isolate the area with elevated temperatures in order to prevent expansion of the subsurface smoldering event. By Spring 2011, Bridgeton/Republic began implementing a series of corrective actions to address the increased temperatures. Through winter 2011, subsidence levels at the landfill remained within the normally expected range for decomposing waste at depth and gas extraction wells continued to show elevated temperatures.

April 6, 2018 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources issued Air Pollution Construction Permit for the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill.
Photo of the east fill project soils freshly dressed and ready for hydro-seed - Bridgeton Landfill, April 11, 2018
Feb. 28, 2018 - Below is a link to the department’s responses to comments received during the public notice period for the Bridgeton Landfill, Missouri State Operating Permit MO-0112771. The permit was issued Feb. 27, 2018, and is available for viewing at Thank you for taking the time to become involved in our efforts to protect our environment and preserve our water resources.
- Responses to comments (posted 02/28/18)
Photo of the areas where Bridgeton's contractor tested areas of the seams as part of the installation of the North Quarry EVOH liner - Bridgeton Landfill, Feb. 27, 2018.
Jan. 12, 2018 - Based on National Weather Service reports for the Bridgeton area, temperatures are forecasted to fall below 10 degrees Fahrenheit over periods of Monday, Jan. 15, and Tuesday, Jan. 16. When the temperature is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, AreaRae monitors must be shutdown to avoid damage to the units. Once the temperature rises above 10 degrees Fahrenheit, the AreaRae monitors will be restarted and resume operation. Staff will monitor the temperature to ensure the AreaRae network is shutdown for the least amount of time practicable. Air monitoring using handheld devices will be conducted as normal. The department confirmed with Bridgeton Landfill that the facility will maintain routine operations, and no construction activity is planned over the next several days.
Dec. 30, 2017 - Based on National Weather Service reports for the Bridgeton area, temperatures are forecasted to fall below 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next several evenings. When the temperature is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, AreaRae monitors must be shutdown to avoid damage to the units. Once the temperature rises above 10 degrees Fahrenheit, the AreaRae monitors will be restarted and resume operation. Staff will monitor the temperature to ensure the AreaRae network is shutdown for the least amount of time practicable. Air monitoring using handheld devices will be conducted as normal. The department confirmed with Bridgeton Landfill that the facility will maintain routine operations, and no construction activity is planned over the next few days.
Dec. 22, 2017 - On Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, and Christmas Day, Dec. 25, the Department of Natural Resources will suspend handheld device monitoring at Bridgeton Landfill, but will operate and monitor the AreaRae network remotely using normal procedures. If a scenario requires the department’s response, department personnel will respond appropriately. The department confirmed with Bridgeton Landfill that the facility will maintain routine operations, and no construction activity is planned on either day. The department will resume daily monitoring using handheld equipment on Tuesday, Dec. 26.
Nov. 21, 2017 - On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, the Department of Natural Resources will suspend handheld device monitoring at Bridgeton Landfill but will operate and monitor the AreaRae network remotely using normal procedures. If a scenario requires the department’s response, department personnel will respond appropriately. The department confirmed with Bridgeton Landfill that the facility will maintain routine operations, and no construction activity is planned on Thanksgiving Day. The department will resume daily monitoring using handheld equipment on Friday, Nov. 24.
October 2017 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources held a public hearing on Oct. 11, 2017, concerning the draft renewal of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for Bridgeton Landfill LLC, Missouri State Operating Permit No. MO-0112771PDF Document. In addition, the department is extending the public comment period until Nov. 13, 2017. (10/13/17)
- PowerPoint PresentationPDF Document presented at the Oct. 11 Public Hearing. (posted 10/11/17)
Sept. 12, 2017 - Construction Update - Bridgeton Landfill, LLC has started the 2017 East Fill Project and liner maintenance in the South Quarry. The work is expected to take around one month to complete. This is part of ongoing efforts to improve the site's storm water drainage capabilities as well as to maintain proper slope of the aboveground gas and liquid collection piping. Odor control and odor monitoring efforts are planned as part of the project to minimize the potential for off-site odors.
Sept. 8, 2017 - Photo of the enhancements to the gas collection and control system in the southeast corner of the landfill - Bridgeton Landfill
Sept. 8, 2017 - Photo of the early, rough work in the east fill project - Bridgeton Landfill
Sept. 5, 2017 - Upcoming Construction Update - 2017 East Fill Project Notification: Bridgeton Landfill, LLC will be starting an earthen fill project on the eastern side of the South Quarry of the Bridgeton Landfill known as the East Fill Project. This project is expected to begin the week of Sept. 11, 2017.
Aug. 29, 2017 - Construction Update: During the next couple of days, Bridgeton will be working on the inceptor trench in the South Quarry. This work is intended to help improve odor control for the long term. If driving by, you might notice construction machinery on-site completing the work.
Aug. 16, 2017 - During the historic rain event that occurred in the St. Louis area in late April and early May, the department responded to stormwater overflow concerns near the Bridgeton Sanitary and West Lake landfills by assessing the situation and collecting a stormwater sample for analyses. The turbid sample was sent to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' contract laboratory and analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, isotopic Uranium, Radium-226 and Radium-228. View the June 2017 report. Additional analysis was performed for Isotopic Thorium and the June 2017 report was updated. View the August 2017 report.
Aug. 4, 2017 - The Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill is conducting maintenance work today to add soil fill to improve storm water drainage along the east slope of the south quarry. As part of this work, lateral lines may need to be moved or temporarily disconnected to allow for soil placement. During this work, short periods of odor are possible at or near the property line.
May 2017 - Area Rae data is not available for the timeframe between May 22 - 25. Department of Natural Resources staff conducted real time screening of the incoming Area Rae data per our normal daily operations. However, during the download process a software corruption problem was discovered. The department uses Rae Systems Pro Rae Guardian software for storage and download of the Area Rae data over the Internet. Through discussions with Rae Systems, developer of the software, department staff were informed that the Pro Rae Guardian software service was attacked with Ransomware. This attack resulted in the temporary loss of service for most if not all users of this online software. The loss in service did not affect any previously stored or downloaded data. The department has since made repairs to the software so that data storage and downloading is again functional.
During that time frame, the department increased field staff presence in the area and continued to conduct daily monitoring loops with handheld equipment as normal. No action levels were reached during this time frame. Additionally, there were no observed interruptions to the landfill daily operations or any type of intrusive work being conducted that would be expected to cause an increase in odors/air emissions.
April 30, 2017 - Following heavy rainfall in the St. Louis area, the Department of Natural Resources observed storm water runoff at the Bridgeton Sanitary and West Lake Landfills April 29 and 30, 2017. Department staff responded by assessing the situation and collecting a storm water sample for analyses, along the northeast corner of the facility near St. Charles Rock Road. The sample is being sent to the department’s contract laboratory and will be analyzed for radiological constituents and results will be posted to the department's web page once available.
April 14, 2017 - Grading work continued this spring in the North Quarry in preparation for installing the ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) cover.
April 14, 2017 - Construction Update - New infrastructure materials staged in preparation for the new EVOH cover to start installation in the upcoming weeks.
Feb. 9, 2017 - The Leachate Collection Sump 5A (LCS-5) replacement will be located further south of the existing location to position the sump within the deeper quarry shelf. Actual drilling is estimated to take three weeks with an additional two weeks of work. Contingent on receipt of materials and weather, it is estimated the project will be finished by the end of March 2017. View letter.
Feb. 2, 2017 - LCS-5 replacement is expected to start within the month in the area where the new EVOH will be laid down in the North Quarry. Once the well is replaced, the additional EVOH can begin to be laid down.
Feb. 2, 2017 - During the months of December and January in the North Quarry, grading work has been going on in preparation for the ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH). Due to weather and other constraints, progress has been slower than expected. To improve drainage in the South Quarry, additional grading and seeding work has been occurring.
Feb. 2, 2017 - Operational Update - A soda ash silo has been added to the leachate pretreatment plant to improve the treatment process and reduce solids build up within the pretreatment system.
Feb. 2, 2017 - LCS-5 replacement is expected to start within the month in the area where the new EVOH will be laid down in the North Quarry. Once the well is replaced, the additional EVOH can begin to be laid down.
Nov. 21, 2016 -- The project to cover the North Quarry with ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) began this week. The project is expected to be completed Spring 2017.
Nov. 14, 2016 -- Bridgeton Landfill completed the installation 19 new Temperature Monitoring Probes (TMPs) in the North Quarry in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) April 28, 2016, Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Actions (ASAOC).
Oct. 10, 2016 -- Heat Extraction Barrier was brought online during thise week for the neck area.
April 28, 2016 -- As required per the department’s Dec. 4, 2015, approval letter for the November 2015 Technical Evaluation of the Heat Extraction Barrier and as incorporated into the EPA’s April 28, 2016, ASAOC, Bridgeton Landfill shall submit a monthly report to the department on the operation and effectiveness of the heat extraction barrier.
Aug. 26, 2016 -- Bridgeton commenced operation, through a contractor, of two sulfur dioxide monitors, similar to the department monitor at Rider Trail, I-70. Data from these monitors is available at: The department added a sulfur dioxide air monitor to the existing Rider Trail, I-70 monitoring site. The addition of a sulfur dioxide monitor at this site is to evaluate sulfur dioxide levels in the general area. Any sulfur dioxide concentrations monitored at this site may be due to several emissions sources in the area. If the monitor records sulfur dioxide at levels of concern, the department will gather additional information to try to determine which sources are causing or contributing to the levels of concern. The department will evaluate the levels recorded after one year of operation and decide whether or not it is appropriate to continue operating a sulfur dioxide monitor at this location.
The department maintains a summary report, which is updated weekly and is available at See the listing for “Rider Trail, I-70” for SO2 data from this monitor.
Jul. 26, 2015 -- The department received from Republic Services for the Bridgeton Landfill a report titled "Bridgeton Landfill, L.L.C. – Sulfur Removal Technology Evaluation (Stage 2)-Final Report." View the report.
Aug. 10, 2015 -- The department issued an Aug. 10, 2015 letter to Bridgeton Landfill related to a Corrective Action Assessment and Plan for the Neck Area and North Quarry of the landfill.
- View the department's Aug. 10, 2015 letter.
Sept. 3, 2015 -- Attorney General Koster issued copies of expert reports that conclude radiation and other pollutants have migrated off-site at Bridgeton Landfill.
- Expert reports:
- West Lake Landfill Organic Pollutant Phytoforensic Assessment - Burken
- West Lake Landfill Phytoforensic Assessment using Gamma Spectroscopy - Usman
- West Lake Landfill Tree Core Analysis - Burken/Usman
- Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Groundwater Investigation - Price/Wronkiewicz
- Subsurface Self Sustaining Reaction Incident - Sperling/Abedini
- Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Incident - Thalhamer
- Field Inspection Reports - Stark
- Bridgeton Landfill Downwind Odor Assessment - Wright
- Feasibility Study - Groundwater Remediation - Hemmen
- Dec. 2014 U.S.G.S. Report - Background Groundwater Quality Review of 2012-2014 Groundwater Data, and Potential Origin of Radium at West Lake Landfill Site, St. Louis County, Missouri
Oct. 27, 2015 -- Bridgeton Landfill notified the department and the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) of a sanitary sewer overflow near the permitted facility. MSD staff are at the location and working to fix the overflow. In speaking with the Pattonville Fire District Battalion Chief-on-duty and the department's investigator, there are moderate odors in the immediate vicinity of the overflow. Wind direction is currently to the southwest into the non-residential wooded area adjacent to the landfill.
Oct. 25, 2015 -- Bridgeton Landfill notified the department on Oct. 24, 2015, of a small grass fire in an area at the company's truck entrance at Taussig and St. Charles Rock Road. The department was advised the fire started at approximately 2:15 p.m. Pattonville and Robertson Fire Protection Districts responded and according to the fire districts the grass fire was contained by 2:45 p.m. and extinguished by 3 p.m. Photographs and discussions with fire department officials verified the source of the fire as an electric short from a switch on a nearby electric pole. The department’s AreaRAE system which is on-line 24/7 provided readings prior to, during and after the fire for carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide and gamma. Readings recorded during this period did not exceed any health based action levels.
Jan. 6-8, 2014 -- Bridgeton Landfill continued work on the gas extraction system including the flares as a result of the extreme temperatures experienced over the past few days. Odors were reported outside the boundary of the landfill.
Jan. 9, 2014 – Attorney General Chris Koster files application for further relief under the First Agreed Order of Preliminary Injunction.
Jan. 18, 2014 -- The Pattonville Fire Protection District notified the department of elevated odors near Bridgeton Landfill. The department contacted Bridgeton Landfill to determine the source of the odors. Bridgeton staff advised they were experiencing mechanical difficulties with the flare system, one of the flares was brought back on line quickly and the other two have since been returned to full operational status.

Feb. 17, 2014 -- Republic Services and their emergency site and contractor teams responded yesterday to a surface fire on the southwest slope of the Bridgeton Landfill. Republic Services notified the department during the coming week, they will be working to repair infrastructure damaged by the fire. Republic Services advised that some off-site odor may be detected while the damaged area of the liner is being replaced.

March 2, 2014 -- Bridgeton Landfill notified the department their crews worked Saturday afternoon, March 1, and through the night to contain odors caused by an equipment failure on a gas extraction well (GEW) 30R. As of 6:15 a.m. March 2, Bridgeton Landfill advised the department odors from GEW-30R were controlled.
March 18, 2014 -- Attorney General Chris Koster sends letter to EPA to expedite action on West Lake Landfill. View the letter.
March 29, 2014 -- Bridgeton Landfill advised the department the first of four,one million-gallon leachate pretreatment tanks is now operational. With the new one million-gallon tank operating, landfill staff indicated they will begin removing smaller temporary tanks. While equipped with carbon canisters, these temporary tanks have periodically been identified as an odor source at the site.
April 29, 2014 -- Attorney General Chris Koster issued a letter to EPA related to West Lake Landfill and the need for testing for radiological contamination in the surrounding community with a focus on routes used during the 1970s to haul radiological material from the Latty Ave. storage facility to Westlake. View the letter.
June 19, 2014 -- Attorney General Chris Koster announced a Second Amendment to the First Agreed Order with Republic Services' Bridgeton Landfill has been reached and the amended agreement was signed by the parties and Judge Jamison of the St. Louis County Circuit Court. The order includes several new measures to monitor the migration of the subsurface smolder and address odors occurring at the Bridgeton Landfill.

Between Jan. and Apr. 2013, Bridgeton/Republic completed installation of a blower skid and 40 new gas extraction wells to increase the landfill gas destruction capacity of the landfill’s gas collection and control system to assist in odor control. Of these new wells, 13 are gas interceptor wells that will create a low pressure area vacuum curtain or “wall” to allow landfill gas to be controlled, so that it can be safely destructed in the landfill gas collection and control system to reduce heat from the subsurface smoldering event. To monitor movement of the subsurface smoldering event, 14 temperature monitoring probes have been installed. Additionally, several acres of flexible membrane liner and a large volume of soil have been placed on the existing landfill cap to help reduce odor impacts.
Bridgeton/Republic staff continues inspection activities including:
- Daily visual inspections of the landfill cap and infrastructure looking for odor sources such as cracks in the clay cap or holes or cracks in the flexible membrane liner or other parts of the landfill gas or leachate collection systems.
- Daily visual inspections and monthly surveys to monitor the landfill cap for differential settlement that may be caused by the subsurface smoldering event that can lead to damage to the landfill gas or leachate extraction systems or the landfill cap.
- Weekly landfill gas sampling and temperature monitoring - to monitor the location of the subsurface smoldering event.
On Feb. 1, 2013, the department issued an Order to Republic, which owns Bridgeton, stating the department would immediately begin collecting air sampling data at the landfill. The order also instructed the company to pay for costs associated with this data collection and to provide the department access to the facility property for data collection operations. The department also issued a news release.

Photo of work at Bridgeton Landfill on Mar.12, 2013
On March 21, 2013 Missouri Department of Natural Resources sent a referral letter to Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster for violations of Missouri's environmental laws at and around the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill, owned by Republic Services Inc.
On March 27, 2013, Attorney General Chris Koster filed a lawsuit on Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill seeking to ensure Republic Services completes promised actions to address environmental, odor problems at the facility. The Attorney General’s Office issued a news release that provides additional details.

On May 13, 2013, Attorney General Chris Koster outlined the terms of a First Agreed Order reached with the Bridgeton Landfill. Under the agreement, the landfill owners will provide temporary accommodations for residents most affected by the odor, and reimburse state agencies for continuous monitoring and sampling of the air and ground at the site. See the following information from the Attorney General’s press conference:
- Bridgeton Landfill Agreement Highlights
- Lodging Program for Local Residents
- News Release from the Attorney General’s Office
On June 3, 2013 - the reinforced concrete pipe abandonment project was completed. The last of the six reinforced concrete pipes believed to be contributing to odor release was successfully abandoned. Work at the landfill will now focus on preparation and installation of the new interim EVOH capping system which Republic Services has indicated will further reduce odors being generatead by the landfill. The EVOH capping system will help reduce the odor and improve the collection of gas and liquids.

Photo of Bridgeton Landfill June 6, 2013
On Aug. 9, 2013 - Republic Services notified the department that as of Wednesday, Aug. 7, the EVOH cap over the landfill’s South Quarry was complete.

Photo of Bridgeton Landfill Aug. 10, 2013
On Aug. 21, 2013 - Republic Services notified the department over the next few weeks an additional seven and a half acres of the landfill with black liner material in-place will be covered with the new EVOH capping material.
On Sept. 14, 2013 - Republic Services informed the department they received and have begun installing the additional seven and a half acres of EVOH liner over existing high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner at Bridgeton Landfill for more effective odor control. As the new EVOH material is being placed over existing material, odors are not anticipated. However, some short-term odors may be generated as gas extraction wells in the placement area are prepared for installation of the new material. On Thursday and Friday, residents downwind from the landfill reported some slight to moderate odors during work hours.
On Sept. 17, 2013 -- The department issued a comment letter on Bridgeton Landfill's North Quarry Contingency Plan - Part 2 and Revised Part 1 submissions. Republic Services' response to this comment letter is due to the department on Oct. 7, 2013.
Photo of Bridgeton Landfill Sept. 25, 2013
On Oct. 23, 2013 -- The department issued a comment letter with conditional approval of Republic Services' Bridgeton Landfill North Quarry Action Plan.
On Nov. 1, 2013 -- Republic Services began installation of 30 new landfill gas extraction wells in the North Quarry of Bridgeton Landfill. As of Monday, Nov. 4, 2013, Republic Services advised that approximately two and a half of the 30 wells had been installed. Republic Services notified the department the potential exists for some odor releases during drilling operations for the remaining wells over the next 30 days. To assist in controlling odors released during these construction activities, Republic Services uses a vacuum box on drilling equipment along with odor neutralizers. Additionally, Bridgeton Landfill continues to winterize the site.
Dec. 12, 2013 -- Bridgeton Landfill advised the department a pump malfunction due to recent freezing temperatures resulted in an approximately 40,000 gallon leachate release earlier in the day. Bridgeton Landfill staff identified the leachage release and is now in the cleanup process. During the cleanup process, there exists the potential for some odors off-site.
In early spring 2012, subsidence levels began to exceed those expected levels and an increase in odors was noticed with some odor complaints being filed by nearby residents and businesses. SWMP contracted with landfill fire technical experts who assisted in confirming the presence of a subsurface smoldering event at Bridgeton through physical observations of the landfill and data analyses. On July 23, 2012, SWMP issued Bridgeton a notice of violation for conditions associated with the subsurface smoldering event.

In April 2012, SWMP and Bridgeton/Republic began meeting on, at least, a monthly basis to determine additional corrective actions to be implemented at the landfill to address the subsurface smoldering event and associated odors. In August, Bridgeton/Republic completed a comprehensive air sampling to characterize the upwind, downwind and source air. The results of that sampling were submitted by Bridgeton/Republic to SWMP on Oct. 21, 2012. SWMP, with assistance from the department's Air Pollution Control Program and the Department of Health and Senior Services, has reviewed the Bridgeton/Republic submitted air sampling data and report. The analyses indicate concentrations of certain compounds that merit additional sampling and corrective actions by Bridgeton/Republic.