Display Map Information

County:  Jasper

Map Number:  00439

Mine Name:  Steers Mine, Kalitan Mine, Movakan Mine, Wampum Mine, Little "D" Mine, Lilly Mine, Red Fox Mine, Big Dick Mine, Grand Haven Mine, Terra Cota/New Dividend Mine

Map Title:  Mining Map Prepared For F.C. Wallower of Section 31, Twp. 28N Range 32W, Jasper County Missouri

Map Image:  MAP IMAGE

Scale:  1'"=200'

Township:  27N, 28N

Range:  32W

Section:  06; 31, 32

Commodity:  zinc, lead

Company Name:  *numerous companies

Author:  William M. Stewart Engineering Co., Joplin Mo

Date:  1944

Purchase:  High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100