At this time purchases are only available by calling 573-368-2100.

Map No
(click to view details)
Map Title Township Range Section Commodity Purchase
00045 25N, 26N 30W, 31W, 32W, 33W, 34W 06, 07; 01, 12;;;;;;31, 32; 34, 36; zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00364 Contour Map of the Granby District 25N, 26N 30W, 31W 05, 06, 07, 08; 01, 12;; zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00365 Part of Newton County Showing Granby & Vicinity 24N, 25N, 26N, 27N 29W, 30W, 31W, 32W ;;;;;05, 06, 07, 11, 12, 15, 23; 01, 12;;;;;;;;; zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100