At this time purchases are only available by calling 573-368-2100.

Map No
(click to view details)
Map Title Township Range Section Commodity Purchase
00051 Cave Springs Mining Area 27N 34W 02 lead, zinc High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00307 Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co., Mining Map of Sec. 13 & 14 T27N R34W Jasper CO., Mo., Sec.23 & 24 T27N R34W Newton Co., Mo. 27N 34W 13, 14, 23, 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00314 Barnsdall Lead & Zinc Co., Map of the Mattes Bros. Land 27N 33W, 34W 17, 18, 19; 13, 14, 23, 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00315 27N 33W, 34W 19; 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00316 Part of Wildwood Ranch 27N 33W, 34W 17, 18, 19, 20; 13, 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00318 27N 33W, 34W 19; 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00319 Empire Zinc Co., Outlying Forty 27N 34W 12 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00350 Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co., Mining Map of Sec. 17 & 18 T27N R33W Jasper Co., Mo., Sec. 19 & 20 T27N R33W Newton Co., Mo. 27N 33W, 34W 17, 18, 19, 20; 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00354 Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co., Fenix-Vorhees Land 27N 34W 01 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00396 K-M-"B" Lease 27N 34W 02 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00463 Barnsdall Zinc Co. 27N 33W, 34W 17, 18, 19; 23, 24, 25, 26 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00504 27N 33W, 34W 19; 24 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00505 Cave Springs L. & Z. CO. 27N 34W 02 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00506 Childers & Messenger Mine 27N 34W 12 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100
00507 27N 34W 02 zinc, lead High-resolution electronic and paper maps are available for purchase by calling 573-368-2100