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Project # 12404-2024

Contractor: Earthworks Excavation
Contact Person: Scott Rasa
Phone: (816) 217-4020

Owner: City of Lexington
Project Site: old water plant
Project Address: 1000 Riverfront St
City: Lexington
Regional Office: KCRO
Demo Start Date: 11/20/2024
Demo Complete Date: 12/18/2024
Total # of Days: 28

Present Use: vacant
Prior Use: water treatment plant
Asbestos Type: roof tar
Asbestos Qty: 3lf
Amendments: -
Inspections: -
Postmark Date: N/A
Date Received: 11/07/2024
Paid: Yes

Comments: no report received, non-compliant start. Unless postmark is earlier than 11/7/2024, earliest possible compliant start 11/20/2024. ACM removal date 11/12/2024.