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Project # 12160-2024

Contractor: Steven Stokes
Contact Person: Steven Stokes
Phone: (660) 221-9181

Owner: City Union Mission
Project Site: Tot Lot Bldg
Project Address: 13563 Hwy 7
City: Warsaw
County: BENTON
Regional Office: KCRO
Demo Start Date: 04/15/2024
Demo Complete Date: 05/20/2024
Total # of Days: 35

Present Use: n/a
Prior Use: tot lot bldg
Asbestos Type: floor tile &mastic, linoleum
Asbestos Qty: N/A
Amendments: -
Inspections: 4/26/2024
Postmark Date: N/A
Date Received: 05/09/2024
Paid: Yes

Comments: effort to return to compliance, waiver approved to resume 5/10/2024